Standing correctly helps improve posture and is an exercise in itself. It might feel a little odd at first, and that’s completely OK. .
If you’ve already read about sitting comfortably, you’ll know how your body shape, your furniture (and your car) all affect your posture.
Standing Correctly
Practicing to stand correctly helps send the forces of gravity much more evenly through your joints; creating even load and helping reduce joint stress.
Give it a go, remembering to relax into it – relax your shoulders and jaw before you begin.
Bring your feet to parallel and ideally, they’ll be hip width apart, and by hip width, we mean directly beneath your hip bones. Ideally, but we’re all different shapes and sizes so if this isn’t possible don’t worry. Feel where the weight is in your feet; shifting your weight around until you find your weight is even; not through the heel or toes, but throughout the whole foot.
Your legs are straight, but your knees aren’t locked back.
Rock your pelvis gently front and back then settle in the middle ground; you’re aiming for ‘neutral’ here. If you tuck your pelvis under, your spine will lengthen and ‘flatten’, If you tilt your pelvis back your lower back will create an arch. Find the ‘in-between’ where your pelvis isn’t tilted one way or the other.
Ribs sit over your pelvis. Shoulders are relaxed. Roll them a few times if they’re tense and then allow them to gently settle. Lengthen your arms comfortably at your sides.
Your neck, throat and eyes are relaxed, feel the crown of your head lifting toward the ceiling.
Remember – It’s more important and more beneficial to find ‘neutral’ relative to your body shape than holding yourself, braced, in ‘perfect’ alignment.
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